Training Practice
Higham Ferrers Surgery obtained training practice status on the 1st August 2011 something we are very proud of. This means qualified Doctors spend periods of between 4 months and a year with the practice and take part in surgeries and home visits. These GP Registrars are fully qualified and work in the surgery to gain experience in General Practice.
Occasionally these GP's may wish to video their consultations for training purposes only. The recording will only be seen by the GP and their tutor (Dr Onimole) and once viewed it will be erased. Your permission is needed in order for the doctor to video the consultation and you will be asked to sign a consent form to say that you agree to the recording. If you do not want to be recorded while your consultation is taking place then you do not have to.
Staff Training
Staff at Higham Ferrers Surgery participate in Protected Learning Time Sessions. This means the surgery will be closed for one afternoon a month. If you do require urgent medical attention or advice when the surgery is closed, please contact '111' and they will direct you to NENEDOC.