Appointments are made in person or by telephoning the Surgery. You can request a routine appointment with the doctor of your choice, this will of course only be subject to availability.
You can also book online, once you have registered via patient services, .
The reception staff will ask the nature of the appointment when booking - this helps them to assess whether you need a single/double appointment and will enable them to give you an appointment with the most appropriate medical staff able to help with your needs.
Every day we run a session for those patients who need an emergency appointment. The receptionist will ask you the nature of the problem and you will be given the next available appointment on that day with the Minor Illness Nurse. The Nurse Practitioner can make an appointment with the duty doctor on the same day should your medical condition require it.
Please be aware that our phone line options have changed, please see below for theses changes.
Test results can be requested between the hours of 1pm and 3pm
Prescription enquires are between the hours of 1pm and 4pm on Mon, Tues, Thus & Fri. 9am and 12noon on Weds.
Referrals or insurance reports enquires are between 10am and 12noon
(If you need Emergency or Urgent care, please see the Patient Pathway below for an outline of your options)